“Tell the negative committee that meets inside your head to sit down and shut up.” -Ann Bradford

When I’m at my best, I’m very aware of the words I choose to use and how I choose to use them. We’ve all had moments we looked back and thought, “Did I just say that out loud?”
If you’re like me, you’ve walked away from discussions feeling one of two things: unfulfilled/disappointed or empowered/satisfied.
For me, the difference has everything to do with how I communicated. The more I focus on the words I use—making the choice of putting a positive spin on my message—the more I understand others and their “come-from.”
I challenge you to try this exercise for a day. Change the way you speak to always focus on what you want:
Don’t run! becomes Please walk.
I don’t want spaghetti becomes I want a hamburger.
I’m not going to be late becomes I’ll be on time.
Don’t yell becomes Please speak in a calm voice.
I’m not cleaning up after you becomes Clean up when you’re finished.
I hate when people talk down to me becomes I appreciate when people speak to me as an equal.
Disrespect sucks becomes Respect is important to me.
Most of us have heard, “Say what you mean and mean what you say.” Give it a shot for a day. You might just like your results!